At F4YP we would like everyone to be able to access our support service.

75% of places offered across our service are funded, with 25% being subsidised.

The list below covers situations which qualify a young person for a bursary place. The list is not exhaustive, and we assess our bursary places on an individual basis. For funding purposes, we will require evidence to show the young person meets the bursary criteria. This will be requested after booking a place on a course and must be updated yearly depending on the type of evidence provided.

If your child does not qualify but you feel your situation warrants a bursary place, please discuss this with a member of the team

Bursary Criteria

  • In receipt on income related Free School Meals/ Pupil Premium

    Disability Living Allowance (DLA - paid to anyone in the household)

    Household income of under £16,190

    Job Seekers / Employment Support Allowance (paid to anyone in the household)

    Working Tax Credits (paid to anyone in the household)

    Child Tax Credits (paid to anyone in the household)

    Universal Credits (paid to anyone in the household)

  • Looked After Child (LAC)- foster placement/ group home

    Special Guardianship (SGO) -Living with legal Carer/Guardian

    Parent in prison

    Resettled or temporarily housed by police or local authority /social services

    Refugee- Supported under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

  • Dyslexia

    Early Health Care plan (EHCP) 



    Anxiety / depression 


    English 2nd Language

  • Under a Team Around the Family, Child in Need or Child Protection Plan

    Exposure to domestic violence

    Young Carer- Parent/Sibling with Mental Health diagnosis, Parent/sibling with disability

Referral Process

Every young person is welcome to access our service, and anyone can refer them whether you are a SCHOOL, AGENCY or PARENT/CARER.


If you have a young person you think would benefit from accessing F4YP, you can book them onto our waiting list/ late sign up via our Eventbrite page. If required, we will arrange a school visit to meet your young person and see which activities best suit them.

Alternatively, if you already know which courses they would like to attend, you can book them directly onto those courses on our Eventbrite page.


Schools and Agencies can refer a young person directly to our service. To find out more CLICK HERE